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Creating a TraumaAWARE Workplace: A Journey Towards Compassion and Understanding

According to my friend and renowned metamodern philosopher Dr. Germane Marvel,

“The individual is 100% responsible for the choices they make and the environment is one 100% responsible for the choices an individual has.”

This viewpoint suggests that the choices an individual makes are influenced by the environment they are in, but ultimately it is the individual who has agency and is responsible for the choices they make.

At the same time, the environment has a significant impact on the choices available to the individual and therefore, it also holds responsibility. This dual responsibility highlights the interplay between individuals and their environment and the importance of creating supportive and empowering environments to foster positive choices and outcomes.

Trauma is a complex and often uncomfortable topic, but it is an important aspect of our human experience that deserves to be acknowledged and understood. In the workplace, discussing trauma can be difficult, but it is crucial for creating a compassionate and supportive environment for all employees.

Trauma can take many forms and can be the result of a variety of experiences, including but not limited to, physical or emotional abuse, loss, and natural disasters. It can also be a result of systemic issues such as discrimination and inequality. Regardless of the cause, trauma can have lasting effects on a person's mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

In the workplace, it is essential to recognize the impact that trauma can have on an employee's ability to perform their job and to offer support and resources to help them heal and thrive.

This can include providing access to counseling services, offering flexible work arrangements, and creating a safe and inclusive environment free of discrimination and harassment.

Trauma awareness is a crucial aspect of our personal and collective growth. It is a journey of education and understanding that helps us expand our worldviews, by recognizing the role that trauma plays in shaping our communities, families, workplaces, and systems.

With trauma awareness, we can navigate conversations and situations that may trigger high conflict, by understanding the individual experiences that shape the worldviews of others. We recognize that each person has a unique lens through which they see the world and that our own worldviews are also shaped by our experiences.

Therefore, this multifaceted approach to trauma awareness supports us in making more informed choices, rooted in social justice. We are not only responsible for the choices we make, but our environments are equally responsible for the choices that we have. By understanding this interplay between our individual choices and the impact of our environment, we can work towards creating a more inclusive, just, and equitable society.

The recognition and understanding of trauma in the workplace is a vital step towards creating a more compassionate, supportive, and inclusive environment for all employees. The effects of trauma can be far-reaching and can impact a person's mental, emotional, and physical well-being, as well as their ability to perform their job.

A workplace that is TraumaAWARE recognizes the impact of trauma and takes proactive steps to support employees and create a safe and empowering environment.

If you are looking to make your workplace TraumaAWARE, I highly recommend checking out the organization, Aware Consulting (link in comments). Their focus on trauma-informed care and social justice offers a comprehensive approach to creating a workplace culture that prioritizes the well-being of all employees.

It is important to remember that healing from trauma takes time and support, and that acknowledging the role that trauma plays in our lives and in the workplace is a critical step towards creating a more profound and empathetic society.

By taking a proactive approach to addressing trauma in the workplace, we can cultivate a culture of care, compassion, and understanding, fostering positive outcomes for all employees.

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